No Fully Vaccinated Person has Died from Covid-19

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NO one who has been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 has died from the virus including a fully vaccinated 100-year-old woman.

This was revealed by County Medical Officer of Health for St Andrews/St David Dr Allana Best on Monday at the Ministry of Health’s virtual press conference.

She said workplaces continue to be a place of high risk as people were not wearing masks all the time.

Dr Best said people at work should keep their masks on and to have lunch by themselves in order to maintain social distancing.

She said, “If you are not well, you should not go to work.”

If there was a Covid-19 infected person in the household, individuals should not go to work, she added.

Dr Best said at a home for the elderly, there have no deaths for fully vaccinated patients.

She said people were not considered fully vaccinated until two weeks after the second vaccine dose.



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