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No Bail for Venezuelan Men on Cocaine Charges

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VENEZUELAN nationals Oscar Enrique Cordoza Gillegas and Angel Garcia were denied bail after being charged for 2.5 kilogrammes of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.

A release from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS)  stated that Gillegas 24, of Caroni Savannah Road, Charlieville and Garcia, 21 of King Street, Princes Town appeared virtually before Magistrate Adrian Darmanie at the Chaguanas Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.


The men were charged on December 14 band their matter was adjourned to January 12, 2022.

Police are alleging that on December 14, around 7.30 am officers of the Port-of-Spain E-999 unit were on mobile patrol on the Uriah Butler Highway when they observed two Venezuelan nationals in a vehicle driving in a dangerous manner.

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The officers attempted to stop the vehicle utilising the police siren and swivel, however, the driver refused to stop, and instead, increased the speed of the vehicle, which then ran off the roadway and crashed into the drain.

Both men then fled the vehicle, and a chase ensued where the men have subsequently held a short distance away.


Police said during a search of the vehicle, two packets of cocaine were discovered in a pink bag at a  combined weight of 2.5 kilogrammes, which led to their subsequent arrest and charge.


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