VENICE – COMEDIENNE and soca artist Nikki Crosby was assaulted by two Russian truck drivers while standing outside a hotel in Venice, Italy.
She was waiting for a taxi outside a hotel when two men came up to her and sandwiched her while one groped her.
Crosby described the incident in a Facebook post on Tuesday.
Police later arrested two men in connection with the matter.
She said, “Update: I’m okay. I keep asking myself from a spiritual point of view, why for the last 3 years I’ve had traumatic things happen to me.
“I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve grown so much after each incident and looked at the world I live in a little differently.
“I’ve hugged my loved ones a little closer and hopefully by me spreading these incidents we can all learn from them.
“I want you to know as a woman I felt really safe being in Italy waiting on a taxi in front the hotel with only a sliding door separating me from many Trinis in the lobby. There were 2 Russian men also outside. I assumed like me they were waiting for a taxi.
“They came up to me and asked to take my picture, before I could react they both sandwiched me and took a pic.
“Then one violently grabbed my right breast and made a grunting sound like an animal. I froze in shock.
“My initial reaction was to run into the lobby and tell the others. There were about 8 Trini women who dealt with him by cursing the hell out of him.
“By then 2 men from our group were alerted and one cuffed him in his eye. But then they left and the police were called. They then went looking for them and caught them.
“They were truckers that drove the highways with no permanent address.
A report was made and they were arrested and put in the system but nothing will probably come out of it because when the case comes up I would have to fly to Venice to testify and they probably wouldn’t show up.
“But they will remember this Trini girl, who they spent the night in jail for.
“I have a friend who has 2 daughters going to Europe and this was just a reminder that as women we need to be very careful.
“I could have been knocked out right there, taken to their truck and no one would have known what happened to me. But God is the greatest all the time #Saynotosexualviolence #StrongTriniwoman #Standupforwhatisright.”
Also on her Facebook page was a video of two men being taken away in a police car.