Neonatal Deaths: Report to be Made Public

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE final report into the neonatal deaths at the Port of Spain General Hospital has been completed and will be made public. 

The Ministry of Health (MoH) in a press release on Sunday said it has received the final report of the Review Mission from the Pan American Health Organization, Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).

The report was called for after seven babies  reportedly died at the hospital between April 4 and 9 from a bacterial infection. 

The report on the “Review Mission – Clinical Events – Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Port of Spain General Hospital, Trinidad and Tobago – April 2024,” was delivered to the Ministry on Friday. 

The ministry stated, “Having received the report, clinical and technical staff of both the MoH and the North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA) will conduct an internal review of the findings. This is in keeping with established standard practice. 

“Following the completion of the internal review, the entire report as submitted, will be made public.”

PAHO in a similar release also on Sunday detailed that the in-country review, conducted during April 22 to April 26, was led by international experts in infection prevention and control, epidemiology, microbiology and newborn intensive care. 

PAHO stated, “The review team applied a systematic approach, reviewing the multiple processes and procedures that impact the quality of services. The methodology used included on-site visits, discussions with healthcare workers, review and analysis of data, and the utilisation of standardised and validated questionnaires to deliver evidence-based recommendations.” 


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