By Prior Beharry
OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has a message for her detractors: “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness.”
This was her statement during a cottage meeting of the United National Congress (UNC) in Lengua on Monday.
She said, “Never ever, ever take my kindness for weakness!”
Persad-Bissessar said, “These is no room for intolerance, there is no room for extremism of any type in our UNC and in our party. I cannot and will not be controlled by any individual or group to promote any singular agenda at the expense of other sectors of our country.”
Her comments come after an attack on her leadership by her MPs Rushton Paray and Dinesh Rambally.
Persad-Bissessar said, “… I warn you, do not take my kindness for weakness. Do not ever take my kindness for weakness. I have warned you because I am woman and I am strong. I am UNC and I am proud. And is ask you to say we are UNC and we are proud, never, ever, ever take my kindness for weakness, never. I serve you with notice, don’t say you were never notified.”

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Her kindness should be taken as constructive criticism and is acceptable within the UNC rank and file. Rather in the past when one opposes the leader is banishment for the three outspoken MP’s.
I trust the Political Leader will meet with them and come to amicable resolution that would benefit the party the Leader and the three outspoken MP’s