MORUGA – THE Member of Parliament for Moruga/Tableland admits to criminal gangs extorting contractors hired by the state to do work in his constituency.
He made the revelation in a Facebook Post yesterday titled: “On the Actions of Certain Criminals in Moruga Tableland.”
Francis said, “One of the major impediments to our smooth progress in this constituency over the last two years has been the operations of a gang of criminals that has been systematically extorting the various contractors hired by the state to improve our infrastructure.
“Worse, there are those who believe it is easier to turn a blind eye or to make accommodations with this sort of thing. I resolutely disagree.
“What starts off as a parasitic infection will soon overwhelm and kill the host. To add insult to injury this gang at one time was openly threatening my life… but I am not the fearful type and if there are things worth dying for this is one of them.
“So as long as I am the MP of this constituency I stand.
.So as long as I am the MP of this constituency I stand resolutely against crime, criminality and gang activity everywhere, but particularly here I call ALL of the right thinking and law abiding citizens to stand with me. To do otherwise would be to throw away all of my beliefs.
“Punto Final.”
His comments come in the wake of a Trinidad and Tobago story that revealed a confidential police report on gag leaders being given awarded state contracts; Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith stating that gangsters were being given lucrative state contracts; and Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley saying that gang leaders could tender for state contracts but it was up to the police to charge them for wrongdoing.”