FORECAST: Partly cloudy, occasionally cloudy, with brief light showers or rain in a few areas. There is a low (20%) risk of a heavier shower or isolated thunderstorm.
Similar conditions expected overnight.
Gusty winds and street flooding are possible near heavy downpours!
Seas are moderate with waves up to 2.5 metres in open waters and below one metre in sheltered areas.
A hazardous seas alert remains in effect.
Forecast maximum:
Piarco: 30℃
Crown Point: 30℃
Port of Spain
High: 7.02 am and 6.06 pm
Low: 12.34 am and 12.12 pm
High: 6.40 am and 5.59 pm
Low: 12.15 am and 11.53 am
Sunrise: 6.14 am
Sunset: 5.45 pm