Ministry Urges Respect for National Emblems

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RESPECT the national emblems of Trinidad and Tobago.

This was the message from the Ministry of National Security in a release on Thursday.

It noted the an increase in the inappropriate use and modification of the national emblems.

The ministry stated that the national emblems of T&T  are the Coat of Arms, the National Flag and the National Flower (the Double Chaconia).

The release stated, “Members of the public are reminded that the national emblems, which reflect the history, values, culture and vision of our nation, are sacred and are to be accorded due respect.”

It referred the National Emblems of Trinidad and Tobago (Regulation) Chapter 19:04 of the Laws of T&T and the National Identity Guidelines of Trinidad and Tobago.

Both documents can be viewed by visiting the National Archives of T&T, under the National Guidelines on the Usage of the National Emblems at

The release added, “The Ministry of National Security urges citizens to cherish and respect our symbols of nationhood.”


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