THE 2023 Auditor General Report contains information about rental income to a government minister, US dollar payment for laser analysers that were never received and the Finance Ministry getting only one drone when it paid for two.
This was revealed by Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal at a press conference at the United National Congress’ (UNC) Chaguanas office on Wednesday.

Citing excerpts of the report that was submitted by the Auditor General to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Senate President and Finance Minister, Dr Moonilal said, the government was attempting to hide this report and “cook the books” because a general election was looming.
The government has passed a bill in both Houses of Parliament to extend the time by the Ministry of Finance to submit information to Auditor General Jawantie Ramdass after the statutory deadline had expired. Minister of Finance Colm Imbert said $3 billion in revenue was understated.
Regarding rentals, Dr Moonilal said the Auditor General’s 2023 fiscal report noted that a government Member of Parliament was receiving rent from three government ministries.

Citing Chapter 5 of the report, he said a government MP was receiving money for a property rented to the Ministry of National Security for $225,000.
He said the Auditor General also revealed that the same MP was also receiving rent for a building rented to the Ministry of Agriculture for $216,000.
Dr Moonilal said there was a third rental.
He said, “The Ministry of Finance sent a document to the Auditor General saying that this Member of Parliament only receiving (rent) for National Security, every other ministry is nil. You know what they discover? The member was receiving money from the Ministry of Finance.”
Dr Moonilal said the Finance Ministry failed to report to the Auditor General that the member was receiving a rent of $310,000 for rental. He said this property was rented to the Ministry of Finance.
He added, “What manner of madness is this? So they gave the Auditor General fake information, completely wrong and inaccurate, even about themselves. Why are they hiding that this member makes every year $752,000 in rent from the government?”
Dr Moonilal said a payment of US$26,000 ($176,000) was made by the Ministry of Trade and Industry on July 10, 2023, to a company in Indonesia. This was for four laser analysers for use by scrap metal inspectors.
He said four laser analysers were never received and the company that it was bought from cannot be located.
Quoting the report, Dr Moonilal said, “By memorandum dated 05/09/2023 The Ministry has advised that an overseas payment of US$26,000 was made on 10/07/23 to a company located in Indonesia for the purchase of four laser analysers for use by Scrap Metal Inspectors.
“Numerous attempts were made to contact this company for the expected date of delivery of items but there were no response. The company’s website can no longer be found on the internet.
“To date the Ministry has been unable to secure the items from the supplier nor recover the payment made. At the time of audit, the items had still not been received. A report of this loss was submitted to the Auditor General and the Commissioner of Police.”

He this was took place while businesses were “scrunting” to get US dollars from local banks.
Dr Moonilal said the Auditor General reported the Finance Ministry’s Valuation Division purchased two drones but only one was seen.
He said a cheque dated September 27, in the amount of $206,356.53 was paid for the drones but “during a physical verification exercise in November 2023, the first drone was seen while the second drone was not yet received by the Division”.
Dr Moonilal asked, “Why is the Valuation Division buying drones? They policing?”

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