By Prior Beharry
MICKELA PANDAY has not spoken to Mayaro MP Rushton Paray.
On a Facebook post on Tuesday, Panday said, “I have had no discussion with Mr Rushton Paray concerning his political future. I maintain that I don’t interfere in the internal politics of other political parties.”
Her comment comes after UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar claimed an alliance between Panday’s party called the Patriotic Front (PF) and Paray’s slate contesting the UNC internal elections called the United Patriots.
Persad-Bissessar who is supporting the Star slate for the national executive elections spoke about matter on Monday evening.
Speaking at the Multi-purpose Centre in Couva, she said, “I find it alarming that they opted to call their team ‘United Patriots’, given that there is another fledgling political party named ‘Patriotic Front’, and given the PNM’s widespread, ongoing accusations that the UNC and its members have never been ‘patriots’ of Trinidad and Tobago.”
Persad-Bissessar showed clips of stories about PNM minister Stuart Young and Fitzgerald Hinds calling UNC members “unpatriotic.”
In her post, Panday said, “The fact that persons have decided to name their slate drawing political inspiration from my political party does not indicate that I have solicited or counselled their actions.
“I maintain that the Patriotic Front is willing to listen to all who have ideas of building a better future for all the people of our beloved country.
“My focus is on the solutions to the problems facing our country.”
And using a phrase used by her later father and former prime minister Basdeo Panday, she said, “I will not be distracted by half-truths, lies and innuendos while people cannot afford to feed themselves, have no regular supply of water, while innocent people are being murdered, while house invasions are on the increase, while the most vulnerable in society are suffering, while young people have no jobs, while there is a shortage of beds and medication in the hospitals.
“My focus and commitment to the people of T&T is unwavering.”

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