A 21-year-old plant operator has appeared virtually before a Master of the High Court charged with the manslaughter of Sunil Andrews on April 11, 2024.
Zion St Rose, of Matura, was charged with the offence when he appeared before the Court on Tuesday.
The Sufficiency Hearing is set for December 2, 2024, a release from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service stated on Wednesday.
Andrews, aka Vine, 37, of Toco Main Road, Matura, was at his home when he was visited by a man known to him. It is alleged that an argument ensued between the two, during which the victim armed himself with a cutlass and made threats towards the man.
During the altercation, it is alleged the man pushed the victim off a precipice resulting in fatal injuries. He died at the scene.
The suspect was arrested on May 1, 2024 at his home by officers of the Homicide Bureau of Investigations (HBI), Region Two.

Investigations were supervised by ASP Victor, Insp Ramjag, Insp. Sylvester and acting Insp Simon, all of HBI Region Two.
St Rose was charged with the offence on Monday by WPC White, also of HBI Region Two.

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