A 25-year-old man was arrested and guns and ammunition seized in Oropune on Wednesday.
A release by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) stated that officers attached to the North Central Division arrested a suspect and seized a firearm and ammunition during crime eradication exercises.
Between 5 pm to 8 pm on Wednesday, officers of the North Central Division Task Force were responding to information and proceeded to a car park in the vicinity of Building 240 Oropune Gardens, Piarco.
On arrival they observed a man standing in the car park acting suspiciously. On seeing the police party, he began running, the officers gave chase and held the suspect a short distance away, a search of his person revealed a Jericho Pistol, a magazine and fourteen rounds of 9mm ammunition. The 25-year-old suspect was arrested and taken to the Piarco Police Station.
Additionally, officers of the Northern Division, during a mobile patrol received information and the party of officers proceeded to Mausica Lands, Arima (Jones Town) in the vicinity of the pan tent.
There they conducted a search of the rear of the pan tent and found a black plastic bag containing three rounds of 0.38 ammunition, eight rounds of 9mm ammunition and 52 grammes of Cocaine. The illegal items were secured and taken to the Police Station.

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