Mechanic, 20, Charged for Anisha Kidnapping

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 A 20-year-ol Maracas St Joseph man is charged for the kidnapping of doubles vendor Anisha Hosein-Singh.

Kevin Agustus, also called Pa,  a mechanic, of Maracas, St Joseph, was charged with kidnapping for ransom by officers of the anti- kidnapping unit on Wednesday, a release by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) stated.

The charge was laid by PC Dhoray, following advice received from Director of Public Prosecutions, Roger Gaspard SC, on Tuesday.

Agustus is expected to appear before a Master of the Tunapuna Court on Monday.

The victim and her husband were setting up their business in El Dorado around 5.50 am, on May 18 when they were approached by two armed men wearing ski masks. 

The victim was dragged into a silver B-15 motor vehicle, while her husband was shot in the face by one of the assailants.

The vehicle then sped off. 

On May 23, 2024, officers attached to the Inter-Agency Operational Unit, acting on intelligence received in relation to the incident, proceeded to a forested area at St John’s Road, St Augustine, where they observed four suspects.

When officers attempted to apprehend the suspects, the men allegedly pointed firearms in the direction of the officers and several loud explosions were heard.

In keeping with the Use of Force Policy, officers returned fire in the direction of the men, fatally wounding them. One rifle and a pistol were recovered from the scene.

Anisha was released by her captors near the Caroni Cremation site last week Wednesday around 10 pm. The relatives have been tight-lipped on whether any ransom was paid. But it has been reported that a multi-million dollar ransom was made to secure her release.

During the course of the investigation, another male suspect was arrested in connection with the incident.#

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