Looking for More Burial Spaces

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By Chantalé Fletcher

WITHIN the last years, five additional applications for crematoriums are currently engaging the attention of the ministry.

This according to Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Faris Al-Rawi in response to Senator Wade Mark’s question on Tuesday in the Senate on the necessary steps to rectify shortage in public cemeteries.


Al-Rawi said, “Further the ministry is at present  finalising and overseeing the updating of all municipal corporations vesting orders and is in collaboration with the corporations specifically to identify appropriate areas and land to develop additional public cemeteries, burial grounds and crematories.”

He said that several public cemeteriums pose a public health hazard and as a result require closure,  rehabilitation upgrading or expansion if feasible.


Al-Rawi said, “The ministry is in regular communication with the various municipal corporations to formulate appropriate solutions to this issue, specifically in order to assist in the safe and compassionate disposal of human remains.”


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