Lee Backs Kamla After Motion by Khan

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

UNITED National Congress (UNC) political leader Kamla Persad Bissessar remains the only leader with the vision, track record, competence and compassion to save the nation from the chaos plaguing national development. 

This is the statement being made by UNC’s deputy leader and the Opposition’s Chief Whip David Lee.

Lee, in a media release on Thursday, said he can confirm that the party’s membership, the National Executive and the Parliamentary Arm of the UNC remain in full support of Persad-Bissessar.

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His statement comes after a motion was filed by two UNC members Dr Fuad Khan to have long standing inactive members reinstated into leadership roles. The motion is calling for leadership elections in three months time.

Khan last year contested the position of political leader but lost to Persad-Bissessar by a large majority.

Lee said any attempt to oust Persad-Bissessar and her current team out  would be “malicious, cowardly political hubris” echoed by those who have lost political relevance and value self-interest above national interest.

He said Persad-Bissessar continued to be loved and valued by her party’s membership.

“Kamla Persad Bissessar continues to fight for the people of this nation in and out of the Parliament as no political leader has ever fought. When citizens need answers on crime, it is the UNC leader who challenges the government, when citizens are flooded, it is the UNC leader who leads her team to deliver and when the constitution is contravened, it is the UNC Leader who stands up for its preservation,” Lee stated.

The country must take note, that it is Persad-Bissessar and the UNC who are fighting in Regulated Industries Commission (RIC) consultations against utility bill increases, high food and fuel prices and against the economic downturn, he added.

Lee also said that Persad-Bissessar has made the party into the most diverse and strongest political institution offering hope for any and every citizen. 


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