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Law Will Take Its Course – Jacob

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

CITIZENS are being given the assurance that the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) will adhere to the rule of law regarding the investigation into the fatal shooting of PC Clarence Gilkes.

The assurance is coming from Acting Commissioner of Police Mc Donald Jacob.

In a TTPS press release on Friday, the TTPS stated that lead investigator Snr Supt Chandool together with investigators from the Professional Standards Bureau (PSB) were still actively investigating the incident.

On Wednesday, Mc Donald together with the head of the PSB Snr Supt Suzette Martin and Chandool held a meeting with Police Complaints Authority (PCA) Director David West, along with two of his investigators, where a completed investigative file was handed over to him.

Jacob then handed over the file to Chandool, and he was advised to continue the normal procedure of linking the evidential file with that of the PCA and to continue the investigation. 

Jacob noted that the investigation is currently at a critical stage and when the police investigators complete their inquiry, they will be required to visit the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for guidance and advice. 

The Acting CoP also states that the TTPS is the institution provided with the mandate and responsibility to prefer charges against persons, while the courts of the country decide on the innocence or guilt of persons who are charged.

He also assured that the public will be advised when the final advice is given by the DPP regarding this matter, the release stated.

On Thursday, the PCA announced that based on their investigations, Gilkes was killed by one of his fellow officers in a shootout that occurred at Richplain, Diego Martin, in April.

The PCA also said that the officers at the scene deliberately tried to mislead Jacob in the manner in which they handled the incident.


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