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Kamla: Vaccine Blackmail

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley is blackmailing citizens into taking a Covid-19 vaccine says Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bisssessar.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on Saturday, during a press conference announced that all government workers must be vaccinated in order to continue work and Persad-Bissessar immediately issued a media release on the matter.

She stated, “ My position on forced mandatory vaccination and vaccine discrimination has been crystal clear since the beginning of this crisis. The Opposition encourages all persons to consult their doctor and consider getting vaccinated. Vaccination is one of many important tools in the fight against Covid-19. However, the Opposition does not support forced mandatory vaccination.”

Persad-Bissessar said, “Rowley’s dictatorial new measure to force persons to choose between being vaccinated and earning a livelihood is not the way to go. Rowley has now resorted to blackmailing citizens into forced vaccinations to distract from the avoidable 2500 plus covid deaths.”

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She said that Dr Rowley’s main medical team members, Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh, Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram, Principal Medical Officer Dr Maryam Abdool-Richards have failed and needed to be removed from their positions immediately.

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She said, “When I first called for changes we had 200 deaths, today we are now over 2500 deaths. The propaganda team must go now. Senior experienced and credible doctors must instead be included on this team who can bring this pandemic under control.”


She also called the parallel healthcare system “one big con job.”

Persad-Bissessar said, “Policies must be judged by their outcomes, not their intentions. There is no evidence to suggest forcing a population already reeling from state overreach will encourage vaccination or engender trust in the Government’s policies. Indeed it may very well have the opposite effect.”


One thought on “Kamla: Vaccine Blackmail

  1. Reporters please.
    We know that the Opposition will be against any government measures. Please can you’ll find out and publish what measures they suggest to be taken. Some constructive move forward initiatives.

    Thank you

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