Kamla: Rowley Wants to Fire Public Servants

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THE Prime Minister recent attack on public servants could mean that he plans to fire them.

This was the claim of Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar at the United National Congress (UNC) Monday Night Forum.

Predicting a grim future under the Rowley-led People’s National Movement (PNM), Persad-Bissessar said the government was finding it difficult to pay public servants as Rowley has shutdown Petrotrin and not found any new avenues for revenue generation.

Persad-Bissessar said, “Dr Row­ley says pub­lic ser­vants are lazy. He den­i­grates pub­lic ser­vice. In every crop of peo­ple, there is good, bad and in­dif­fer­ent. Why he comes now to say pub­lic ser­vants lazy?

“Why would he at­tack the pub­lic ser­vants? Did some­thing hap­pen re­cent­ly? I think they don’t have the mon­ey for pub­lic ser­vants. They can­not pay the pub­lic ser­vants so he is set­ting the stage. Is it that they in­tend to fire pub­lic ser­vants?”

She said, “This is the man who said the gov­ern­ment is not go­ing to close down Petrotrin. To­day I am ask­ing, is the government go­ing to fire pub­lic ser­vants?”

Persad-Bissessar said, “We used to get For­eign Ex­change from Petrotrin but Forex has dried up. What do we get from the com­pa­nies that re­placed Petrotrin?”

She also claimed that gas sta­tions were not get­ting their full quo­ta of fu­el.

“What I pre­dict is that there is go­ing to be a short­age of fu­els at the gas sta­tion. They now have to buy the fu­el to put in the pumps,” she said.

Persad-Bissessar said, “Let us hear what is the sit­u­a­tion with fund­ing now that we have to im­port fu­el. They shut down Petrotrin and say it was not work­ing.

“They put Es­pinet and he licks up every­one and now they lick up him.

“You are bring­ing peo­ple with no ex­pe­ri­ence what­so­ev­er. Tell us what ex­pe­ri­ence they have in the en­er­gy sec­tor.

“If we don’t do what we have to do, then heav­en help our chil­dren. There will be no fu­ture for the young peo­ple of our coun­try.”

Speaking on last Wednesday at the handing over of 200 motorcycles from the Chinese government at the St James Barracks, Rowley said, “Many of them (public servants) produce absolutely nothing when the day comes, collect a salary at the end of the month and make most noise when pay is late.”

President of the Public Service Watson Duke also slammed Rowley for his comments.

Duke said, “It worries all 80,000 public servants of this country. It hurts us to the core. It says that the mother, that good worker who leaves south at 4 am to come to Port of Spain for an 8 o’ clock job, that leaves work at 5-6 to get home, that your efforts are not recognised.”


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