Kamla: Probe Central Bank Handling of $100 Polymer Bills

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Caption: UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar arrives at her party’s headquarters on Monday. Photo: UNC

By Prior Beharry

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is calling for an investigation into the introduction of the new $100 polymer bills by the Central Bank.

She also said the Central Bank refused to allow Auditor General Jaiwantee Ramdass to view the national accounts to find where close to $3 billion was missing. The controversy centres on allegations of revenue understatement of $2.6 billion by the Ministry of Finance and Ramdass saying that it has not been accounted for by the government.

Persad-Bissessar was speaking at a United National Congress (UNC) Cottage Meeting at her party’s Chaguanas head office on Monday.

She said Finance Minister Colm Imbert was hiding the Special Report of the Auditor General and did not lay it in the Senate on Monday.


Persad-Bissessar said, “What are they hiding and why are they hiding?”

She added that the latest report of the Auditor General showed that close to $3 billion in the national accounts was still missing and wasn’t laid in Parliament on Monday by Imbert.

Persad-Bissessar said, “The central bank refused access to the auditor general. Has the central bank been complicit in cooking the books with this government? What else is the central bank and government hiding from the people of this country? Remember, they both oversaw the change of the polymer bills?


“And I heard Mr Rowley on a platform the other night talking about he get back $500 million when they change the bill and which people and who people have it hiding and where they have it and don’t have it all kind of…”

She said, “Remember they were the ones who were in charge when people had to carry in they $100 bill”

Persad-Bissessar said, “So we have to ask if billions were looted and stolen during the 100-dollar bill changeover? Think of that. We have to ask.”


She added, “Our confidence in the Central Bank has been diminished.”

Persad-Bissessar called for an enquiry into the actions of the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago.

She said, “When it is you cannot have confidence in your Central Bank which holds all the money of the people of Trinidad and Tobago… the country really gone through.”

Persad-Bissessar said, “And therefore, I call for an enquiry into the Central Bank. I call for an investigation about that polymer change over of that $100 bill. And we will do it when you put us back in office…

She said, “I want to ask about that $3 billion, where is it? What are they hiding? What they don’t want the auditor general to do her job?

“And then use the Parliament to abuse and lambast the poor lady where she has no right of reply in the Parliament. And do all this when the matter is in a courthouse. The standing orders say if a matter is sub judice it should not be discussed in the Parliament, but Imbert did it he lambast the auditor general…”


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