THE Elections and Boundaries has a long history of gerrymandering to favour the People’s National Movement (PNM).
This was the claim of Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar in a release on Tuesday.
She said, “The EBC has a long history of gerrymandering boundaries that benefit the PNM. Citizens must recall how they transferred three strong PNM PDs into St Joseph in 2004 to help the PNM. Also, recall that this EBC took instructions from Rowley to change boundaries in Tobago to add new seats for the THA elections after the 6-6 deadlock.
“The EBC and its members have always been corrupt PNM party groups. They have clearly shown this again in 2024 to benefit the PNM in San Fernando West.”
Gerrymandering refers to the manipulation of electoral district boundaries to favour a particular political party or group.

She said before the 2015 general elections, the EBC submitted a report that recommended alterations to the boundaries of ten constituencies in Trinidad’s electoral area, one of which was San Fernando West.
The 2015 order stated:
“(viii) In San Fernando East due to transfer from this constituency of Polling Divisions 4055 and 4060 to San Fernando West and transfer into it of Polling Divisions 3860, 3872 and 3905 from Oropouche East;
(ix) In San Fernando West due to a transfer into this constituency of Polling Divisions 4055 and 4060 from San Fernando East;
(x) In Oropouche East due to transfer from this constituency of Polling Divisions 3860, 3872 and 3905 to San Fernando East.”
Persad-Bissessar said this showed that San Fernando West needed more voters, Oropouche East had too many voters and San Fernando East had no issue with the number of voters.
She said, “The EBC could have transferred the three PDs from Oropouche East directly into San Fernando West, but because they were strong UNC PDs, they refused to do so. Instead, they transferred two strong PNM PDs from San Fernando East to San Fernando West to help the PNM and then transferred the three PDs from Oropouche East into San Fernando East.
“They had absolutely no reason to interfere with San Fernando East.”
She said the 2024 EBC repor PD 3871 and PD 3874, both from Oropouche East to San Fernando East, two strong UNC polling divisions from the UNC stronghold of Oropouche East into the PNM stronghold of San Fernando East.
Persad-Bissessar said, “Then, they moved two PDs, PD 4005 and PD 4006, both in Vistabella, polling division (4005) and polling division (4006), from the PNM stronghold of San Fernando East into San Fernando West.
“Again, the EBC repeated the same thing in 2024 as before the 2015 GE. The EBC could have transferred the two PDs from Oropouche East directly into San Fernando West, but because they were strong UNC PDs they refused to do so.
“Instead, they again transferred two PDs from the PNM stronghold of San Fernando East into San Fernando West to strengthen the PNM. They then transferred the two PDs from Oropouche East into San Fernando East. Again, as in 2015 they had absolutely no reason to interfere with San Fernando East.”

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