I Know Nothing of Silence

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Caption: Items seized by police in an anti-crime exercise. Photo: TTPS

AS our people are being murdered with the crime rate rising daily, we are being in silent mode, watching and hoping for change to come.

What is more wrong, the truth or lies? This article was inspired by Jabari Collins, who is a spoken word poet. I heard him on one of the morning talk shows and he energised me to write on the silent mode. How can we define silence or being silent? Being silent can be classified as ‘not expressed aloud.’

Sometimes we are eluci​dated by “a silent prayer” for a better nation. What is that, wishful thinking or perhaps thinking for a change? For any change to occur in this nation, the entire country holistically has to bring about that change.

If we all work together for a common change, then changes will come with togetherness, or will it? But we have to ask ourselves, is this a trait that we as children of Trinbago demonstrate as we live the truth of who we are in this country?


We as a country have become silent as we let our truth or could I say our ‘God Given Right’ smother us with hopelessness. Is this the life we want for ourselves or our children as we are being defeated by the elements of crime rate and criminals at large? We have sincerely failed as a society to have some form of decency when it comes to what is right and wrong.

Yes I used the word strongly… failed! Are we still a failed society? Let’s question that. Are we a failure in the battlefield to find hope or does hopelessness win? We are emotionless, crumbling and failing to understand that we need to stop that way of thinking and take back our country, or all of us are doomed to failed as we are dying inside. 

This way of thought about failure should not be something that we entertain and germinate into the fabric of the country, sweet sweet Trinbago.


Instead, let’s all stand up for what’s right, stand up for what’s truth, stand up for what builds our nation. Maybe then, hope can be given to our children and nation to face this game of being truthful as a way of life.

We also need to question as a country, did our people or our government, holistically did the right thing to send us down a road of prosperity? That’s the question all of us need to ask because if this surge of crime and ills of society are showing up, then we need to question ourselves as a people to find the answers… Why? By us finding the answers, will we find the solution of what is needed desperately to bring about that change, and mind you I used the word ‘desperately!’

I am hearing that some of us are reaching as far as to compare Trinidad to Haiti; our own people are saying, we could reach that tipping point. But I say we need to wake up and save ourselves as we save our country because if we don’t, then are we building a future for children that can see some form of decency or are we willingly to let the ills of society win? That’s the question all of us needs to ask ourselves consciously. By finding the answer, we also find hope.


So are we still going to be in silent mode or are we going to stand up and reclaim our society? While I am an optimistic person, I’m not seeing anything good coming out with all the surge of crimes. Truth is a word that needs to be in the DNA of this country. We as a society must be truthful in order to rebuild Trinidad and Tobago while standing against ALL the wrongdoing and failed policies. 

I personally am crying inside to see a nation being traumatised by the ills of crime. Let us finally as a country come together and fight because if we don’t, we may die. That’s the plain and simple truth that all of us have to face because the crime level shows that any of us can be a victim at any given moment. Is this what we want, is this what we aspire as a country at large? I don’t want to be a bearer of bad news, but I’m facing the reality and when you face the realities, you face the truth!

In conclusion all I am going to say is sit back, take a look at our landscape and see what this country is coming to… if you are happy with what you see, then sit back and do nothing. That’s why silence is different or better yet being in silent mode. Thinking is now so please think well!

Treldon Layne is a motivational Speaker


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