‘How I beg for thy mercy! Please release me from your foggy prison, let the sun once again grace the sky!’
By Alicia Chamely
OH, Saharan dust how I loathe thee.
Why doth thou treat me with such violent animosity? What discretions have I committed upon this mortal coil that could possibly warrant this cruel punishment?
Your relentless attacks have left me but a shell of myself. For the past week I have failed to form even one coherent thought or topic of opinion. The searing pain tearing through my skull, the feeling of fluid boiling behind my eyeballs, the haze of massive doses of antihistamines coursing through my circulatory system have left me crippled.
How I beg for thy mercy! Please release me from your foggy prison, let the sun once again grace the sky!
Seriously though I am dying, I just cannot anymore with this dust. I used to drive a white car, it’s beige now. I used to have white cushions on my porch, they too are now beige. Everything is tinted beige… or a nauseating tinge of grey.
Sometimes I wish they really did build that dome over Trinidad and Tobago. Remember when a certain politician actually thought the Government was going to build an actual dome… ha-ha… other people’s dimness makes me chuckle… and a little sad.
But imagine how awesome it would be to not suffer through the yearly onslaught of Saharan dust! Oh, the joy! The only air quality issues we would have to deal with would be our own stinkness…I am talking to you, garbage burners.
The dome would have added a whole new sector to our economy, providing numerous jobs. Every Tom, Dick and Harry would have a contractor job to clean the dome inside and outside. Corrupt politicians and bureaucrats rejoice! A whole new way to “gift” your supporters, friends, families and blackmailers with Government contracts!
Granted the dome would eventually fall apart because as we all know we don’t do maintenance. Not a problem though because it would give the Government an excuse to spend billions of dollars on contracts to restore it. Let’s just hope these restoration works are more successful than the work done on Mosquito Creek… collapsing roads are one thing, a collapsing dome is a whole other ball game. Then again if the dome collapses, we’d all be dead so there would be no need for a special committee to be formed to investigate shoddy work for which no one will be held accountable.
No more Sahara slaughter and loopholes for corruption… I mean for those in charge this seems like a win-win solution.
Back to reality, I really hate Saharan dust and I intensely apologise for wasting your time should you be reading this. Or maybe not, because perhaps this pile of an article is just what you, my kind, sweet, brave-hearted reader, needed to distract yourself from the constant horrors and misery of the world we live in today.
Personally, I was dreading having to write on anything that happened this week, so perhaps the Saharan dust worked in my favour? And maybe in yours? In essence, we have traded one element of toxicity for another.
Hopefully, soon the winds will change, the rains will come and wash away the beige and grey, the sorrow, the agony and the sun will come out again. Please note this optimism only extends to the Saharan dust,
I’ve given up on society as a whole… or maybe not… as I mentioned coherent thoughts have evaded me.
Sooo lastly, Saharan dust, my arch-nemesis, please beat it! I’m done.
I Hate Thee: Saharan Dust
‘How I beg for thy mercy! Please release me from your foggy prison, let the sun once again grace the sky!’
OH, Saharan dust how I loathe thee.
Why doth thou treat me with such violent animosity? What discretions have I committed upon this mortal coil that could possibly warrant this cruel punishment?
Your relentless attacks have left me but a shell of myself. For the past week I have failed to form even one coherent thought or topic of opinion. The searing pain tearing through my skull, the feeling of fluid boiling behind my eyeballs, the haze of massive doses of antihistamines coursing through my circulatory system have left me crippled.
How I beg for thy mercy! Please release me from your foggy prison, let the sun once again grace the sky!
Seriously though I am dying, I just cannot anymore with this dust. I used to drive a white car, it’s beige now. I used to have white cushions on my porch, they too are now beige. Everything is tinted beige… or a nauseating tinge of grey.
Sometimes I wish they really did build that dome over Trinidad and Tobago. Remember when a certain politician actually thought the Government was going to build an actual dome… ha-ha… other people’s dimness makes me chuckle… and a little sad.
But imagine how awesome it would be to not suffer through the yearly onslaught of Saharan dust! Oh, the joy! The only air quality issues we would have to deal with would be our own stinkness…I am talking to you, garbage burners.
The dome would have added a whole new sector to our economy, providing numerous jobs. Every Tom, Dick and Harry would have a contractor job to clean the dome inside and outside. Corrupt politicians and bureaucrats rejoice! A whole new way to “gift” your supporters, friends, families and blackmailers with Government contracts!
Granted the dome would eventually fall apart because as we all know we don’t do maintenance. Not a problem though because it would give the Government an excuse to spend billions of dollars on contracts to restore it. Let’s just hope these restoration works are more successful than the work done on Mosquito Creek… collapsing roads are one thing, a collapsing dome is a whole other ball game. Then again if the dome collapses, we’d all be dead so there would be no need for a special committee to be formed to investigate shoddy work for which no one will be held accountable.
No more Sahara slaughter and loopholes for corruption… I mean for those in charge this seems like a win-win solution.
Back to reality, I really hate Saharan dust and I intensely apologise for wasting your time should you be reading this. Or maybe not, because perhaps this pile of an article is just what you, my kind, sweet, brave-hearted reader, needed to distract yourself from the constant horrors and misery of the world we live in today.
Personally, I was dreading having to write on anything that happened this week, so perhaps the Saharan dust worked in my favour? And maybe in yours? In essence, we have traded one element of toxicity for another.
Hopefully, soon the winds will change, the rains will come and wash away the beige and grey, the sorrow, the agony and the sun will come out again. Please note this optimism only extends to the Saharan dust,
I’ve given up on society as a whole… or maybe not… as I mentioned coherent thoughts have evaded me.
Sooo lastly, Saharan dust, my arch-nemesis, please beat it! I’m done.
The end.