By Sue-Ann Wayow
THERE has been no change to the closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) situation in Trinidad and Tobago since National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds said in early April that almost 40% of the cameras installed nationally were not working.
Hinds was questioned about the CCTV repair system last Friday by Member of Parliament for Barataria/San Juan Saddam Hosein during a parliamentary Standing Finance Committee meeting.
The Ministry of National Security asked the Committee about a supplementation of $66 million to be allocated to the Strategic Services Agency (SSA).
In April, in Parliament, Hinds said of the 1,796 CCTV cameras installed, 733 were not fully functional or were non-functional. Hinds said there were plans to install more cameras but was could not say when the 733 would be fully functional.
Hosein asked about an update concerning the functionality and non-functionality of the cameras.
Hinds responded, “The last time I looked, the figures that I would have given then, I maintain that today.”
He added that “procedurally” it was not an item to be dealt with at that Standing Finance Committee.
However, Hosein in a statement accompanied by desk thumping from the Opposition side said, “The SSA budget covers CCTV cameras, because you did tell us the CCTV cameras are under the management of the SSA.”
Hosein in a firm tone told Hinds, “Basically you are saying minister is that there was no work done whatsoever to the CCTV infrastructure in Trinidad and Tobago after every single day, you are seeing gruesome murders in this country and you are telling this Parliament that not one single CCTV camera was repaired? Not one? Not a single camera? And now you are coming to ask for $66 million additional.”
While Hosein was speaking, Hinds attempting to interject on a few occasions by asking for permission from committee chair Brigid Annisette-George.
When Hosein was finished with his statement, Hinds said he did not know how Hosein arrived at that conclusion.
“I can’t understand it,” he said.
Hosein also asked why the SSA has not filed annual reports since 2018 to explain the expenditure of the SSA.
At that point Annisette-George advised him that that question was not allowed based on the proceedings.
Hosein also asked if any of the $66 million will go towards the purchase of spyware devices.
Hinds responded, “I will treat that foolish, idiotic question with silence.”
See related story below: