GUNMEN finished the job they started in Gonzales at the Port of Spain General Hospital (POSGH) where they shot at men nursing gun shot wounds.
Reports indicated that Johnathon Arjoon, Jaydon Reyes, and Kevin King, 31 were shot by gunmen who alighted front a white station wagon in Gonzales just before 8 pm on Sunday.

One of the men died at the scene and the other two were taken to the POSGH where the gunmen followed and shot them on stretchers. They were killed as the gunmen fired multiple shots.
A voice note circulating online described the scene as the “wild west.” Witnesses said the shooters were dressed in tactical gear like police officers and escaped.
Staff and patients at the Accident and Emergency had to scamper for safety.
National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds and Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher were at the POSGH after the shooting.
Officers from the Port of Spain Division, the Homicide Bureau, and the Inter Agency Task Force responded.
The scene where the shooting took place was cordoned off, but other activities at the hospital continued.
Hinds told the media that he was still trying to gather all relevant information and was on his way to Gonzales where the shooting originated.

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