Guidelines for Dating Apps Meet-Ups

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THE Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) has issued a warning following an increase in crimes associated with social media dating apps.

The TTPS is urging citizens to exercise extreme caution when arranging and attending in-person meetings with individuals they have met online.

According to data from the TTPS, criminals are exploiting social media platforms to commit various offenses, and dating apps are increasingly being used to target victims. These crimes include theft, assault, and other violent acts.

In an effort to safeguard the public, the TTPS has provided several guidelines for those planning to meet someone for the first time through a dating app:

  1. Be Aware of Fake Profiles: Be cautious of profiles with limited photographs and information, as they may be used to lure individuals into dangerous situations.
  2. Verify Their Identity: Before agreeing to meet, attempt to verify the individual’s identity through video calls or social media profiles. Consistency in their information is key, and be wary of anyone who avoids these steps.
  3. Be Careful Where You Meet: Avoid meeting in secluded areas or known crime hotspots. Always inform a trusted person about your plans, including where you are going and with whom.
  4. Meet in Public Places: Opt for well-populated and public locations for initial meetings. Avoid secluded spots where you may be more vulnerable.
  5. Use Your Own Transportation: Ensure you have your own means of transportation to and from the meeting place to maintain control over when you can leave.
  6. Stay Sober and Alert: Refrain from consuming excessive alcohol or drugs during meetings, as they can impair your judgment and increase your vulnerability.
  7. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off or you sense danger, leave immediately and seek help if necessary. Your safety should always be your top priority.
  8. Keep Personal Information Private: Do not share sensitive information, such as your home address, workplace, or financial details, with someone you have just met online.

The public is encouraged to report any suspicious activity or individuals to their nearest police station or contact TTPS hotlines.


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