Caption: Political Leader of the UNC Kamla Persad-Bissessar with NTA leader Gary Griffith during the local government elections
POLITICAL leader of the National Transformation Alliance (NTA) Gary Griffith says he was disappointed by “divisive remarks” of United National Congress (UNC) leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Monday.
She said, “Smaller parties must be willing to work and carry their weight. It cannot be that UNC supporters must be sheep, must do everything, UNC must host the events, UNC must provide the resources, UNC must bring the supporters -bring the sheep – and then these other organisations want to come and hands swing and stand up on the platform and talk.”
She told those who want to join the UNC, “You must carry your weight. We are a strong party we have over 300,000 plus supporters, do not play the fool with us. We respect our membership.”
Persad-Bissessar said, “We have to work together yes, but other must say what is your membership?
“Did you have an election? My executive is an elected national executive by the membership of this great party.
“I didn’t name myself leader and then pick up five and make them deputy. You all, this whole Natex was voted in a democratic election.”
Griffith expressed disappointment in Persad-Bissessar’s “divisive remarks” and attitude toward third parties. Griffith believes that such rhetoric is not only regressive but also reminiscent of past failures in the political landscape.
In a release on Tuesday, he said there were shortsighted and counterproductive attempts by certain individuals within the UNC to undermine the role of third parties. He said the importance of unity, stating that the UNC has never achieved success in a general election without political partners under its current leadership.
The NTA leader warned against the consequences of maintaining divisive paths, stating that even if the UNC secures seats, it may still find itself in the opposition for another five years. Griffith urged supporters to recognise the reality of vote splitting, suggesting that collaboration is key to achieving success in the upcoming elections.
Acknowledging concerns about potential vote splitting, Griffith assured that the NTA remains open to dialogue and cooperation with other political entities, including the UNC. He extended a hand of cooperation but emphasized that any collaboration should be based on mutual respect and a genuine commitment to democratic principles.
The NTA leader underlined the party’s dedication to serving the people of Trinidad and Tobago, pledging not to allow their supporters to be used as pawns in a political game. Griffith emphasized the importance of the diverse electorate and the party’s commitment to representing the interests of all citizens, irrespective of political affiliations.
Griffith said the NTA was still committed to open dialogue and its readiness to make a positive impact on the future of Trinidad and Tobago.

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