POLICE officers and game wardens seized ten exotic golden-winged parakeets and two wedge-capped capuchin monkey at a house in Blue Basin in Diego Martin on Friday.
A release from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service stated that game wardens were contacted after officers of the Western Division Task Force (WDTF) discovered exotic animals during a search warrant exercise on Friday. A quantity of cannabis was also allegedly found at the home.
The ten exotic golden-winged parakeets and two wedge-capped capuchin monkeys and a quantity of marijuana were allegedly found at a house in Blue Basin Road.

The search was conducted in the presence of a female occupant, as the man named in the warrant was not at home, the release stated.
Police also allegedly found 690 grammes of cannabis.
Game wardens were contacted and took possession of the protected animals when they arrived at the scene.
The game wardens and officers are continuing enquiries.