GG Offers Help to Rowley, Kamla to Fight Crime

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

WITH a nation drowning in blood, there is a call to put political differences aside and work  in a collaborative fight against crime.

The call comes from political leader of the National Transformation Alliance (NTA) Gary Griffith who has written to both the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader offering his assistance and expertise.

This was not a time to be blinded by politics, he said.

The former national security minister and ex-commissioner of police said on Sunday in a video statement that the country cannot wait till the next general election in 2025 to do something about crime.

Griffith said, “We can do this. The team that worked with me previously can get this done. We do not need a post or positions. I have the capability to guide those not only those in authority to do what was required to peg back the criminal elements but also to bring together a team who previously worked with me to manage a similar scenario and get it done again.”

He mentioned that in his last year as minister of national security, crime was at its lowest in 31 years and in his last year as CoP, that violent crime had the highest reduction rate in 25 years.

Griffith said, “The enemy is not the political opponent. It is the evil, heartless, cold blooded killers who are depriving you, the law-abiding citizens of your right to safety and security.”

To Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Griffith said, “I recommend that we meet to discuss the implementable strategies that worked previously and to identify ways to provide the support and the expertise required to respond to this current crime crisis in our country.”

About the regional crime conference that took place last week, he said measures discussed would not avail much in the short term.

“For quick wins, we must have internal dialogue with the relevant stakeholders as quickly as possible,” Griffith said.


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