George: No Need for Early THA Elections Under Law

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THERE is no legal standing by which a fresh election in Tobago should be called if a person voted into office under a political banner is no longer part of that party, says attorney Martin George.

George, also the head of the Tobago Business Chamber, gave his perspective on Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s call for an early election in the sister isle.

He said there was however, a moral imperative, although there was no provision for it in Tobago House of Assembly Act.

In his explanation done via video, George said, “From a legal perspective, the THA Act is radically different from the legislation which governs the national Parliament. Legislation which governs the national Parliament makes it pellucid that if you enter the House of Parliament on the ticket of a political party and you no longer are a member of that political party, then you must vacate your seat and a by-election called for your seat.”

If that had applied to Chief Secretary Farley Augustine and his team, then they would have no choice but to vacate their seats as they were elected to the THA on a Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) party card.

Click here to read the full op-ed of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on his call for early elections in the THA

George said, “There is actually no legal imperative or no legal basis upon which one can say you will force them out of office from that perspective. There is however, the moral and ethical consideration,”

He said the moral imperative was perhaps was Dr Rowley was alluding to when he made his statements.

George said, “It up to the people of Tobago to decide if they wish to call upon their leaders to say ‘hey listen, we think you ought to do this over and go and seek a fresh mandate now that you have formed this new political entity.’”

If there was an overwhelming outcry from the Tobagonians for a new election, then the moral and ethical thing to do would be to call one, he said.

Last week, the newest political party led by Augustine was officially named as the Tobago People’s Party (TPP).

The party was formed following the exodus of PDP members.

PDP led by Watson Duke, caused a historic upset in the People’s National Movement (PNM) stronghold when they won the THA election in 2021.


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