FUAD Abu Bakr has posted on his Facebook page a WhatsApp chat purporting to be between Local Government Minister Kazim Hosein and himself.
This comes after Bakr was denied being screened as a candidate for the People’s National Movement (PNM) in the Port-of-Spain South constituency. Olympic shot putter Cleopatral Borel has been chosen as the candidate.
On Monday, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley said Bakr was trying to join the PNM in a bizarre manner.
He made the comment on his Facebook page.
Rowley said, “The fanciful musings of Mr Fuad Abu Bakr have now found prime space on the front page of the Guardian.
“Just for the benefit of the readers, permit me to state that I can’t remember the last time I spoke to the gentleman and most certainly have never invited him into the PNM far less through a back door which is zealously and heavily guarded by the articles of the party’s constitution.
“It is good to see him showing an interest in joining the PNM and wanting to do national service but in going about it in this bizarre way he has caused me to instruct the Party’s General Secretary to thank him for the interest shown and enclose a copy of the PNM’s Constitution with the relevant sections on membership, the Screening process and candidate selection duly highlighted for ease of reference.”
The prime minister told the Express on Tuesday that he did meet with Bakr’s father the leader of the Jamaat al Muslimeen at his Diego Martin West constituency office last week.
Rowley said they discussed the Jamaat school that was finding it difficult to pay its teachers and recently got a government grant which was given to private schools.
He said Bakr brought a large card signed by the students to thank him.
And Local Government Minister Kazim Hosein also admitted to the Express to speaking to Bark (F), the political leader of the New National Vision, about the PNM screening process but denied promising him a seat in the upcoming general elections.
Bark (F) posted on his Facebook page a WhatsApp conversations purporting to be between Hosein and himself.
In the chat Bark (F) asked what time was screening.
Hosein replied: “We have Cabinet at 10am, we’ll finish around 1 pm, so screening would be in the evening, I will find out, inshallah.”