FORECAST: Predominantly hot and sunny conditions across most areas, with showers developing during the late morning to mid-afternoon period in varying localities.
There is a 70% (high) chance of a few heavy showers or thunderstorms during the early afternoon mainly over western areas of Trinidad. Tonight will be clear with one or two showers during the early night.
The Northern Leewards: Sunny, hazy and breezy with a few brisk showers in a few areas. Tonight will be cool and breezy.
Caution: Gusty winds, street and flash flooding may accompany heavy showers and thunderstorms.
Seas are slight to moderate with waves one metre to 1.5 metres in open waters and near calm in sheltered areas.
Piarco 33°C Crown Point 32°C
Sunrise: 5.55 am Sunset:6.25 pm
High tide: 3.48 am, 4.54 pm
Low tide: 10.21 am, 10.31pm
High tide: 3.30 am, 4.29 pm
Low tide: 10.12 am, 10.11 pm
*Information Courtesy Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service