FORECAST: Partly cloudy, hazy and breezy with occasional showers. There is also a medium (40%) chance of isolated thunderstorm activity.
The remainder of the Lesser Antilles: Generally hazy and windy with isolated showers.
Caution: Adverse weather alert yellow-level remains in effect. Gusty winds will likely accompany showers. There is a significant concentration of Saharan dust in the atmosphere.
Maximum Temperature:
Piarco: 31° C Crown Point 31° C
Sunrise: 5.54am Sunset: 5.45pm
Seas are moderate with waves two metres to 2.5 metres in open waters and below one metre; occasionally choppy in sheltered areas.
All small craft operators and persons with marine interests should exercise caution and monitor sea conditions.
High tide: 5.02am, 4.46pm
Low tide: 10.42am, 11.26pm
High tide: 4.42am, 4.20pm
Low tide: 10.22am, 10.56pm
*Information Courtesy Trinidad and Tobago Metrological Service