EDUCATOR and former principal of St Augustine Girls’ High School (SAGHS) has passed away. She was 91.
She died on Friday morning at the Medical Associates Hospital in St Joseph.
Mahase was a recipient of the Chaconia Medal (Gold) in 1990 and the Medal of Merit (Gold) 14 years earlier for her public service and outstanding contribution to education.
She was at the helm at SAGHS for more than 30 years.
Mahase was born in the village of Guaico, Trinidad, to Kenneth Mahase Sr and Anna Mahase and she was the first Indian woman to become a teacher in 1918 in Trinidad.
Her father was headmaster and her mother a senior teacher at several Canadian Mission (CM) schools now called Presbyterian schools.
Both played a role in developing early education in rural North East Trinidad.
Mahase attended the Guaico CM School followed by Naparima Girls’ High School in San Fernando. She went to Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, Canada, graduating with a BSc and BEd.
She also received an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Mount Allison University and another from the University of the West Indies.

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