A FOUNDING member of popular parang band Flores De San Jose, Sharon Codrington has passed away.
Founder and lead vocalist of the band, Sharlene Flores posted a tribute to her friend and music partner of 36 years.
Flores told AZPNews.com that each word was written with tears and that the words came from deep within her heart.

The following is Flores’ post on Facebook on Tuesday:
Our dear fans, it is with great sadness and a bleeding heart, I bring you sad news of the passing of one of our founding and beloved members of Flores De San Jose, Sherry (Sharon) Codrington, of 36 faithful, loyal years.
Sherry left us yesterday (Monday), broken and shattered beyond words. I do not have words to express what it’s like to lose someone so beautiful, precious and selfless as Sherry.
She was not only my one and only sincere friend of 36 years, but she was the most loving, kind, caring, loyal, discipline, spiritual and inspirational member of Flores De San Jose, with the most beautiful voice I have ever heard, it was like the voice of an angel. She was my sister from another mother, she was my right hand, my advisor, my closest confidant and an extremely intelligent person.
Sherry was the most decent and respectable person I have ever met, who had a great deal of respect for both Wayne and myself and loved Wayne like a brother.
I can go on and on and on but I just can’t, not now, not tonight anyway. Sherry was an extremely loving and devoted mother to her three wonderful, loving, caring sons, Quency, Sequan and Jaron Saunders.
Her sister Jacqui Solomon loved Sherry unconditionally, and has been there for her every step of the way …the members of Flores De San Jose will miss Sherry tremendously, as out time spent together was beautiful with so many, many cherish memories that would last a lifetime.
Sherry you will forever live in our hearts..Till we meet again, love you forever.