Farley to Sue Duke

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

TOBAGO House of Assembly (THA) Chief Secretary Farley Augustine will be taking legal action against his political leader Watson Duke for allegations made against him.

Augustine, on Monday, spoke briefly to the media following the election of Dr Faith B.Yisrael to the post of deputy chief secretary.


Flanked by B. Yisrael and other members of the THA with the exception of Duke, Augustine said he was previously silent because it was necessary to not let the business of governing Tobago to get “muddied”.

“I did not think the back and forth was necessary,” he said.

Augustine who was removed from his political post as deputy political leader from the Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) said he has not yet met with the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC). No one has also been to the EBC on his behalf.

He said, “I wish to use this platform to categorically denounce and deny some extremely wild allegations that I have seen made by the now former deputy chief secretary with regards to collecting bribes or collecting monies elsewhere.”


Augustine added, “I have already been in consultations with my lawyers inclusive of a King’s Counsel… And I intend to pursue legal action that will treat with that matter which will mean that I will not be wasting precious time to debate these falsehoods in the public space.”

The pre-action protocol letter was being prepared at the moment he said in answer to questions from the media. The full transcript of Duke’s statements has been sent to his lawyers.

The Chief Secretary also said after Dr B. Yisrael has taken her oath of office from President Paula-Mae Weekes, he will be in a position to issue a release that will indicate how the THA intends to treat with the responsibilities that were previously assigned to that of the former deputy chief secretary.

One of the main things that Duke was charged with was Tobago’s autonomy.

Augustine said he has been receiving advice with regards to Tobago’s autonomy at no additional cost from key personnel and that group of personnel will expand.

He said a lot of what was being emanated in the public was also sponsored.

Augustine claimed, “I have not just reliable information, but irrefutable evidence that a lot of this is sponsored by those who do not want to see me bring before the Tobago public matters concerning the audit report which I will be delivering to the people of Tobago come Thursday.”

Thanking God he added, “If I wasn’t strong enough, I would have walked away and allowed the corruption to continue.”


When asked if the end of the PDP was near, Augustine said the party’s chairman would be better positioned to answer such question and added that the operations of a political party do not obstruct the operations of the THA.

“Country comes before party,” he said.

Augustine said currently he remains a member of the party.

Dr B.Yisrael will continue to hold her post as Secretary of the Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection.

She said, “I will work closely with the Chief Sec and my other colleagues. If there are other responsibilities handed to me, I am sure we will be able to work it out and I am sure that we will be able to get the best governance that Tobago deserves.”

Augustine also took the opportunity to thank the people of Tobago who he said encouraged him to remain strong  and who kept him in their prayers.

“It tells me that Tobagonians are rational, reasonable, logically thinking, smart people who understands how to separate things,” he said.

Augustine assured the Tobagonian population that they will not be disappointed.

In a recent video, Duke lambasted members of the THA executive for their treatment of Tobagonians representing the island in New York accusing them of neglect.

Subsequent to that, he revoked Augustine, Dr B.Yisrael and Alicia Roberts-Patterson as deputy political leaders.

Duke afterwards then tendered his resignation as deputy chief secretary.


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