Caption: Assistant Commercial Manager – Operations (Brentwood) Trevor Clunes; Assistant Vice President; Marketing and Communications with (Massy Motors) Candace Ali; Sales Manager Luxury Brands Kimberly Seegobin; and Senior Brand Manager Luxury Brands Vir Sieunarine
MASSY Stores has unveiled an electric vehicle (EV) charging station at its Brentwood location.
In collaboration with Massy Motors, the exclusive representative of the Volvo brand in Trinidad and Tobago, this initiative aims to meet the growing demand for accessible and convenient charging infrastructure as electric vehicles gain popularity.
A release on Wednesday stated, “The newly installed Volvo EV charging station will provide a valuable service to our customers, encouraging the adoption of clean and eco-friendly transportation options.”
Key features of the newly installed Volvo EV Charging Station include:
- Fast and Efficient Charging;
- Dual Charging Points;
- User-Friendly Interface; and
- Compatibility with type 1 and type 2 charges

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