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Erla Detention: A Failure of PNM

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By Dr Neil Gosine

KAMLA Persad-Bissessar’s statement on the questioning of Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher hits the nail on its head, it is a reflection of the undeniable failure of the PNM government under Dr Keith Rowley.

The fact that the highest-ranking police officer in the country is under scrutiny and was taken in for questioning is yet another symptom of the deep disintegration within this administration.

This is not just an isolated event, it is the culmination of years of mismanagement, corruption, and incompetence that have crippled our economy and our safety in Trinidad and Tobago.

Crime is out of control, the economy is inactive, we have no forex, public services are deteriorating, and now even the leadership of the police force is under fire.

What more proof do we need that this government has lost all credibility? Rowley and his ministers have repeatedly dodged responsibility, making excuse after excuse while the nation suffers.

Every sector of society is suffering, healthcare, education, national security which is in crisis, and the PNM has offered nothing but failed policies where the PNM seems to be the graveyard of real ideas and the birthplace of empty promises.

Persad-Bissessar’s call for elections is not just political posturing, it is a demand for survival.

The survival of every citizen. How much longer must the people of Trinidad and Tobago endure a government that has clearly lost control?

The PNM’s time is up. The people deserve leadership that is competent, decisive, and capable of taking on the nation’s pressing issues, not a government that is constantly hiding and deflecting from one scandal to another.

The writing is on the wall: the PNM has collapsed. It is time for Rowley to stop holding the country prisoner and call the elections now. The people deserve a government that will restore order, strengthen the economy, and provide sound solutions. The UNC stands ready to lead, have the plans to solve the economic and security crises and the country cannot afford to wait any longer.

Neil Gosine is an insurance executive, sometimes a temporary Opposition Senator, an ex-treasurer of the UNC and a former chairman of the National Petroleum Marketing Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NP). He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration, a Master’s in Business Administration MBA, BSC in Mathematics and a BA in Administrative Studies. The views and comments expressed in this column are not necessarily those of AZP News, a Division of Complete Image Limited


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