EPOS MD Leaving: Credited with Latrine Eradication, Pan Yard Refurbishments 

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Managing Director of the East Port of Spain Development Company Limited (EPOS) Dr Deborah Thomas-Austin is leaving.

A release on Monday stated, that the company extended best wishes to its outgoing Managing Director, Dr Thomas-Austin, following a distinguished period of service at the company. 

She has been MD since EPOS’ inception in 2005.


The release stated, “Throughout her time at EPOS, Dr Thomas-Austin was a driving force behind major projects and initiatives of the company. She led the company as it executed vital infrastructural projects and various social and economic programmes. 

“Under her guidance, EPOS spearheaded initiatives that have positively transformed the lives of thousands of East Port of Spain residents. 


“Notable achievements include the Latrine Eradication Programme, the refurbishment of Community Impact Centres and Pan Yards, and the implementation of numerous skills training programmes.

“EPOS recognises Dr Thomas-Austin as having built a platform, as the company continues its mandate to develop and redevelop a zone in East Port-of-Spain to improve the economic, social, and physical environment. 

“Her exemplary service helps the company, the Board of Directors, and staff to identify and transform new and modern opportunities, projects, and programmes, that carry on the goal of a brighter and better East Port of Spain.”


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