THE Ministry of Education is reminding parents not to congregate when they drop off and pick up their children who are writing the Secondary Assessment Entrance (SEA) on Thursday.
In a release on Wednesday, the ministry asked that there be no congregating in or around school compounds.
The ministry also asked that students be dropped off no later than 7.45 am.

This is to facilitate screening and reception of students ahead of the examination which begins promptly at 8.30 a.m.
Students must be collected promptly after the exam from approximately 1 p.m. Parents of children with concessions are advised to return at 1.30 pm, the release added.
The release stated, “We encourage parents to heed the advice of the Minister of Health and take their children home directly. In accordance with the Ministry of Health’s Protocols students are required to wear masks and will be screened upon entry to the school compound for Covid-related symptoms.”

Any student presenting with flu-like symptoms will be refused entry, the release noted.
It stated that all other established Covid-19 Health and Safety Protocols remain in effect and will be enforced among students and personnel.
These include:
- Wearing masks over the nose and mouth
- Washing hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based sanitiser
- Cleaning and sanitising of surfaces
- Maintaining a physical distance of six feet apart