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Deyalsingh: Covid-19 Vaccine is a ‘Get out of Jail Free Card’

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By Chantalé Fletcher

MINISTER of Health Terrence Deyalsingh says vaccines have now become the cornerstone of the global response and our “get out of jail free card.”

He was speaking at the 25th virtual HealthSafetySecurity & Environment (HSSE) hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad & Tobago (AMCHAM T&T) on lessons learnt from Covid-19 on Monday.

Deyalsingh said, “It has been effectively proven to interrupt transmission, mitigate and prevent serious illness and morbidity and reduce death, mortality from Covid-19. Our own statistics have proven this that 94.2% of persons come into our parallel healthcare system are unvaccinated.”

He said the Government of Trinidad and Tobago has developed and delivered a robust vaccination programme with sufficient vaccines of different brands that will allow all eligible residents to fully vaccinated.

The minister also encouraged all unvaccinated persons to get vaccinated as vaccine sites are widely available and accessible.

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Deyalsingh called the vaccinated 585,757 people in the country “heroes” but urged the remaining 300,000 to become heroes as well.

“Be a hero to yourself, your family, your community.”

He also thanked the private sector for making the vaccination drive a success signaling out the months of August and September.

The minister said, “No mission has been more critical to health, safety, security, survival and prosperity of the country.”


Deyalsingh also thanked all health care workers medical and non-medical staff that worked nonstop to provide excellent health care to all in addition, to all volunteers who continue to participate in the vaccination process.



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