By Sue-Ann Wayow
THE TT Safe Zone policy announced by the Government has too many restrictions for businesses to follow.
MovieTowne’s owner Derek Chin said the policy was contradictory especially as it attempts to boost livelihoods during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The TT Safe Zone certificate is downloadable from various Government websites from today (Thursday).
In a statement, he said it will be unfair to a business owner for having an unvaccinated person on the premises since the checking of vaccinated people coming in can only be done by a visual check and there was nothing to reference the validity card to.
He suggested, “The curfew times should be taken to 12 midnight since 10pm limits the ability to have proper relaxed dinner and movie times. We have to close by 8.30pm so staff can clean and get home movies are usually two hours so start time is 6.30pm which is too early and offers only one showing for the popular night shift.
“This severely limits our showings during the prime time. Restaurants have to rush patrons to eat their dinners and makes the outing and dining experience uncomfortable.”
Chin said that the number of persons eligible to be at a compound was already decreased with the allowance of only fully vaccinated persons so there was no need to ensure that there was only 50% at those locations which makes one wonder if opening would be economically viable.
He asked, “Kids under 12 are very safe in these safe zones so why are they not allowed?
“Certainly, they are most protected and safe in these areas compared to allowing them in a grocery or Pennywise, or such non vaccinated locations. This is a contradiction to the highest,” he stated.

Chin said, “Not allowing minors below 12 to come with the rest of their family into a safe zone will negate families coming out to visit and dine. If you have a family of two or three kids and one is underage then the whole family will not dine out and the pool will be further depleted.”
The ban of the consumption of alcohol in a safe zone also needed to be questioned, Chin said.
Patrons come to a restaurant to relax and have a social drink with their meals and a two to three drink limit was reasonable and allowed the business to build sales which are important for its viability, he said.
“It negates the attraction of dining out when you can’t have a glass of wine or an alcoholic drink with your meal.”
The success of the TT Safe Zone will determine if more persons will step forward to be vaccinated against Covid-19 and achieve herd immunity status which most citizens and state would want to see attained, Chin added.
Totally Agree.
High time Govt start thinking things through.