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Dead People Voting, Cashing Cheques in T&T

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By Neil Gosine

SENATOR the Honourable Donna Cox who is the Minister of Social Development and Family Services said, “Dead persons are still cashing cheques issued by the Government” although they have made a concerted effort to remove 2,876 names of persons from the list of who receive pensions and have died.

Apparently, they did not do a good enough job and she made this revelation on February 1 while making a contribution in the senate on the Variation of Appropriation Bill.

She has now made this discovery and said that her ministry found that there are dead persons whose cheques continue to be cashed.

However, everyone knows the system is inefficient and corruption rampant in this office. Everyone in Trinidad and Tobago knows this. I can’t understand what a big revelation this is. The minister has received more money again, an additional $531 million dollars for additional expenditure for her ministry.

Really dead people cashing cheques is not anything new and this has been occurring before Minister Cox was made the minister and most likely will continue after her.

This is simply because the system is corrupt and there is not the political will to change it. They can’t interfere with the “eat ah food” attitude nor interfere with people’s money. If they do they may suffer repercussions that would be harsh and life-shaking.

However, this is really no massive revelation as if anyone ever really investigated the voting history in Trinidad and Tobago, really delved into it, you would realise that dead people have been voting in many elections. It could be easy if anyone knows how to ensure votes are counted and how to possibly rig elections.

Yet we remain the same with no one really trying to fix the inefficient system and digitise the system properly with proper biometrics to correlate a person to their identification card. The minister’s pronouncement on the issue is just for show, to make a headline as nothing will be done to correct the situation. It’s just mind-boggling how we have such a small population and how each minister in his ministerial portfolio continues to mishandle ministries to such an epic proportion from day one.

Grossly inadequate, the minister is so unsuited for the post she now holds. The solutions to the issues are so obvious and if only she would take advice from the experts and look at other countries and take patterns from them, she would do a better job.

Only if!

Neil Gosine is an insurance executive, the North East Regional Coordinator of the United National Congress and a former chairman of the National Petroleum Marketing Company of Trinidad and Tobago. He also holds a Master in Business Administration. The comments and opinions expressed by him in this column are not necessarily those of, a division of Complete Image Limited.


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