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CUTT Tells Rowley: Mandatory Vaccination a Violation of Human Rights

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By Prior Beharry

THE Citizens Union of Trinidad and Tobago (CUTT) tells Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley that mandatory vaccination is violation of human rights.

In a letter sent to Dr Rowley on Thursday, CUTT stated: “Rumors of vaccine passports and other discriminatory policies will be resisted vigorously.

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“The Citizens Union of Trinidad and Tobago has noted the increased misinformation being spread by the State relative to mandatory vaccines.

“We say in response to those agents, that forced mandatory vaccinations are a violation of human rights and civil liberties.

“We believe the act of injecting someone without their consent is a violation of their personal liberties and an assault on the body.”


Referring to children returning to physical school, CUTT stated that on August 28, Dr Rowley said, “That option is going to be offered to vaccinated children only. And those children who are not vaccinated will get their education, at this time, by an alternative means which the Ministry of Education will outline in the near future.”

It stated that that statement casued great concern as the Constitution speaks to the rights of citizens to life, liberty, security, equality before the law, private life and family life.

CUTT stated that the right of children to access education and for the state to provide a school was also enshrined in the Constitution.

It stated, “As a result of the statement made by the Prime Minister it is likely that the state intends to create a policy that infringes on one or more of the aforementioned enshrined rights.”

CUTT asked the attorney general to advise the Cabinet to avoid a policy of mandatory vaccination for students.

It called on the government to protect people from contracting Covid-19.

CUTT stated, “Government must also admit that the at risk profile are persons with severely compromised immune systems due to advanced chronic conditions or underlying comorbidities, the very elderly and the obese, and that the government must take steps to protect THOSE persons from contracting Covid if it is the government’s intention to save lives.”

It stated that while Covid-19 was contagious, it was not serious or deadly toe vast majority of people.

CUTT stated, “Vaccinate to operate and vaccinate to educate are ridiculous positions to take in the face of all this fact, and the Citizens Union of Trinidad and Tobago calls for a freedom of choice posture where vaccines are concerned as the only life a person can put at risk or save by a vaccine is their own.”

Seventeen people signed the letter copied to Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi, Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh and Minister of Education Nyan Gadby-Dolly. They include:

  • Phillip Edward Alexander, Executive Director CUTT;
  • Vernon De Lima, SC;
  • Senator David Nakhid;
  • Dr Paul Alexander, epidemiologist;
  • Stephan Reis, talk show host;
  • Marsha Walker;
  • Vindra Maharaj, attorney;
  • Ashton Dinanath, attorney;
  • Adita Seenath, attorney;
  • Shalane Bharath, attorney;
  • Melissa Jadoonanan, attorney;
  • Andel Daberam;
  • Diane Hadad, Chairman Tobago Chamber of Commerce;
  • Felicia Holder, Chief Operations Officer of CUTT;
  • Sateesh Ramsaran, Communications and Logistics Director of CUTT;
  • Shawn Siewnarine, Membership Director of CUTT; and
  • Janice Learmond-Crique, PRO of CUTT



10 thoughts on “CUTT Tells Rowley: Mandatory Vaccination a Violation of Human Rights

  1. Good day,
    Thank you to the CUTT team for standing up for the voiceless people in this dictatorship state of Trinidad and Tobago. It is sad that a prime minister and his cabinet could hold a country to ransom and get away with it. I guess we’ve become the North Korea of the Caribbean.
    Don’t they see what’s happening in the world so many disasters and knowing that our country is now, thanks to the PM, ranking with places like Bangladesh, they still focus on greed and bringing down the poor, hard working citizens. They seem to thrive off of bullying and threats. I guess since these said citizens put them back there (thanks mil PNM die-hards), they figure they can abuse the whole nation and bring us to our knees, including their die-hard supporters.
    This administration is likened to the Pharoah Ramses and how he treated the Israelites, the only difference is, this Pharoah is abusing, beating down and murdering his OWN citizens. Look at how many persons have committed suicide, how many jobs have been lost and families left asking for help from anyone willing to listen. Petroleum workers turning their vehicles into taxis to put food on their family’s table. Yet still money is being sent time and time again to assist the “citizens” of this country however, only those in office seem to be getting the assistance not the normal citizens who need and deserve it. I thank Almighty God that Jehovah is still in control and He doesn’t like it when His innocent children are being abused and He will arise and help us soon…
    It’s a shame what we’ve become in the last 6-7 years, at times I would think best we had stayed under the Queen’s rule at least she ensures her countries are taken care of and citizens are treated with dignity and respect.
    Let’s see so now they want to keep our children from getting an education, keep citizens from making an honest dollar by sending police to brutalize them if they have no V immunization card, property tax to send more citizens into crime, murdering, kidnapping or sadly increased suicidal attempts. All this in a time when people have no food or money to pay a bill….what have this once beautiful paradise become….hell on earth with the king dictator at the helm.
    I wonder how his children feel knowing what a tyrant he is towards this country where he and his children were afforded the luxuries that he’s taking away from us and casting us back into the days of slave master times when there was a wicked slave driver doing basically the same things he and his team are doing today.

    God help us…

  2. I wish to thank Mr Phillip Alexander and the Citizens Union of Trinidad and Tobago for the position they have taken to help us, the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, in our fight against the ills being perpetrated by the Prime Minister and his Medical Team by extension in his utterly ridiculous plan/intention to put into place mandatory vaccination with the poisons that are these so called vaccines. If I am a healthy human being, I don’t see any reason why I should be vaccinated against a disease/illness which I will be sure to get if I get vaccinated because said vaccinations will have the virus in them. So how does that protect me? I’d love the Prime Minister Keith Christopher Rowley to answer that question for me. Does he even understand the science behind this virus at all or is he being very badly advised? I await with bated breath, his reply. Thank you.
    Keep up the great work Mr. Alexander. Somebody needs to CARE about us and it definitely IS NOT the CARING GOVERNMENT.

  3. I totally agree with the statement made by the citizens’ union. Anything that is to be put into our bodies, and the bodies of our children, need to be our choice, after consideration to the effects on our bodies. Is this country still a democracy ? I have to question, because I am seeing an erosion of our freedom of liberty , worship, speech, our rights to equality…. our National Anthem states we were forged from the love of liberty … liberty which is slowly becoming a thing of the past
    here every creed and race find an equal place. Equality for all , as the honorable Dr. Eric Williams stated , is now a thing of the past, as we are now galloping toward dictatorship. Please, forget world agendas and focus on our blessed nation. Try to heal our people with everything that nature has already provided for us , and try to preserve lives instead of just trying to force an injection into us, that you, and all of us know, the intended outcome .

  4. I fully agree 100% , the Government of Trinidad and Tobago wants to take away our Democracy they certainly Will Not be getting my vote in the next General Election and I speak for myself and all my family members

  5. I am in full support with this theme that seeks the benefit of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.
    Standing Strong!

    1. I am strongly against anyone infringing on my basis human rights not to mention Everytime i think about taking the vaccine i also have to make peace with my maker

  6. I stand in full support with the Citizens Union TT against what is being demanded of us citizens at this time it would seem we have no voice we have no choice but I thank you Mr Phillip Alexander and the great crew zone and All for working hard making all the decisions to have this submission delivered Thank you

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