THE Citizens Union of Trinidad and Tobago (CUTT) is calling on the Government to reverse its policy of opening up construction for only state projects.
On Saturday, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley said that only construction for state projects will begin on July 5.
In a release on Sunday, head of CUTT Phillip Edward Alexander said none of the government financed projected were essential.

He said, “Most of the workforce in these projects are Chinese and other foreign workers, all of the projects are things that can be mothballed as they serve no immediate purpose, including the unnecessary overpass at Diego Martin and the questionable Tobago airport expansion, coming at a time when the globe expects a travel slump for the foreseeable future and while the national airline is under significant financial pressure to survive.”
He said the private sector fuels the economy and puts tens of thousands of nationals to work.
Alexander said, “The reverse would have been the sensible approach as government has done nothing to support either construction entrepreneurs or workers since the lockdown began two months ago, with no concern spent on how these tens of thousands of citizens of the Republic of T&T might be surviving.”
He said this policy makes no sense as there was no stipulation to all workers on the government sites should be vaccinated.
Alexander added, “Especially as local contractors are willing to stipulate to vaccinated workers only and to engage with health authorities to have workers vaccinate to become compliant.”
He said, “We in the Citizens Union of Trinidad & Tobago call on the government this morning to rethink this plan as it is going to have an adverse effect on the lives of many who have not received any assistance for all of the lockdowns, companies that pay into the corporate tax stream and whose workers are voters and taxpayers, unlike the foreign nationals being given preference here.
“The government is sowing the wind of frustration and hunger here, where they should be lifting and carrying while we all work together to safeguard our nation.
“This path can lead only to a whirlwind of preventable strife and unnecessary trouble, and while some may be anxious to flex their newly minted totalitarian muscles, this is not what governments are elected for.”
Phillip Alexander why don’t you keep your comments to your self?
As should you….Trinidadians in construction sector need to be able to sustain themselves and priority should be given to locals to work. One would probably be in agreement if it was an urgent project that needs completion which is not the case.
Delano Licorish. With all due respect Sir . I think you should be doing that. Philip’s views are shared by at least 75% of the population (including the Vene’s) . 24% have the Mugabe syndrome. Whilst the remaining 1% are the ones who are benefiting from these projects (no offense to the 1% also). It’s not their fault for the stupidity of others.