By Chantalé Fletcher
THE Ministry of Trade and Industry has no direct responsibility for regulating the Occupational Safety and Health in Trinidad and Tobago.
Minister of Trade and Industry Paula Gopee-Scoon said, “And as such has not launched any audit of diving standards and practices of companies which utilize commercial divers.”
She was responding to a question in the Senate on Tuesday posed by Independent Senator Charrise Seepersad.
Gopee-Scoon said the Occupational Safety and Health Agency reports to the Ministry of Labour and was responsible for the treatment of workplace health, safety and welfare of workers.
She said, “It should also be noted that one of the terms of reference of the Commission of Enquiry (COE) into the incident that led to the death of four LMCS Limited divers contracted by Paria Fuel Trading Company Limited to perform underwater welding in a sea pipe is to examine generally the policy, procedures, practices, and conduct related to the employees and organize labour for these types of internal exercises for Paria and other companies.”
Gopee-Scoon said the commissioners acting within the Commission of Enquiry Act Chapter 19:01 have the powers of the High Court to summon witnesses, to call for the production of books, documents and plans, and to examine a witness and parties concerned on oath.
Gopee-Scoon said, “In the circumstances, it is felt that the commissioners should be allowed to complete their work without interference.”