Commentary: What’s the Plan for Fire Tenders

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By Neil Gosine

AFTER the double tragedy where a mother and child were burnt to death in their house and the nearest fire station could not find a working fire tender, National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds stated on live national television that he doesn’t know how many fire stations are without working fire tenders.

The incompetence of the man in mind is boggling!

There are so many examples of incompetence and ineptitude by the Minister Hinds that all we can do now is shake our heads and no matter how many times we have called on the prime minister to replace him, it seems to just fall on deaf ears.

How can a minister like Hinds after being on the job for such a long time come to the population and state he doesn’t know why these fire stations do not have fire tenders and other equipment at their fire stations?

This is after it was stated that his office was working with Chief Fire Officer Arnold Bristow to address the lack of fire tenders and other equipment at several stations.

Obviously, he seems to be making it up as he goes along. We can not take this level of incompetence anymore. When lives and property are at stake, having a man like Hinds at the helm is careless to say the least but down right dangerous.

What the public needs from the prime minister is to remove the incompetent ministry of national security and to get a competent person in the job. A person that can determine the status of each of the country’s 26 fire stations, finding out which is fully equipped, which ones needs to be equipped and which ones are building waiting to become a fire station.

Anyone with any sense must know that important data and what would be the number of working fire tenders and their locations available to be accessed in the event of an emergency.

There must be a plan of how to distribute the equipment, what equipment has been ordered and when it is expected to be in the country. Their scheduled date of arrival, which of the stations will be supplied with them and in which order. It’s really sad to say but 90% of the citizens get the feeling that their major concerns are not addressed at all and the Government is only pretending to work.

Mr PM, you are failing us everyday with your choices of incompetent people and in fact you really need to do something, please let Hinds be the first to be moved and put somewhere where we can’t see him sleeping on the job anymore or doing a jig in a party. His inability to make citizens feel safe is beyond his capabilities and everyone in the country knows it.

It is really time for the PNM to go now as we all know that all of Dr Keith Rowley’s ministers are underperforming. Not one is making a difference in the population’s lives. They all seem unfit for their portfolios, but the one that takes the cake is Hinds. People like Hinds are not fit to hold any portfolio, he lacks the intellectual capacity required for any portfolio. His performance so far has been nothing more than appalling. Plain talk bad manners.

We call in the prime minister to do the country a favor and remove him from office forthwith.

Dr Neil Gosine is an insurance executive. He is also the treasurer of the UNC and a former chairman of the National Petroleum Marketing Company of Trinidad and Tobago. He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration, a Master’s in Business Administration MBA, BSC in Mathematics and a BA in Administrative Studies. The views and comments expressed in this column are not necessarily those of AZP News, a Division of Complete Image Limited.


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