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Commentary: Toxic Behaviour of a PM

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By Neil Gosine

LOOKING at the leadership style of Prime Minister Dr Rowley we notice he has shown toxic behavior from his many interactions with the media and the public.

No one can question him about anything he does and he claims he always acts responsibly in anything he does and expects any right-thinking citizen to turn a blind eye and accept that is the way it’s done in conducting the people’s business.

He is the boss, the prime minister of the country and he can conduct the affairs of the country as he sees fit although to the onlookers it apparently appears to benefit him, his family and his cohorts most of the time.

The prime minister and his ministers are supposed to be our day-to-day mentors, custodians and even role models and leaders in their community.

However, looking at these past six years we do not see this. This is grossly lacking under the leadership of Dr Rowley as he has gone down the part of toxic leadership.

A toxic leader is a person who has responsibility for a group of people or a large organisation and who abuses the leader-follower relationship by leading the group or organisation down his own part leaving the group or organisation in a worse condition than it was before his leadership.

This is clearly the case now after six years of the PNM administration and leadership by Dr Rowley. A classic case of toxic leadership. Under his stewardship everything seems to be failing, closing down or in disrepair. Higher unemployment rates are the norm in our economic atmosphere.

In fact, we have experienced one of our highest unemployment rates since the 1980s recession upon the closure of Petrotrin under the Rowley-led Government.

The narcissistic leadership style of our Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley continues unabated.

Any ordinary citizen can see what is taking place where protest actions are increasing in intensity and our prime minister is heading fast down the road of dictatorship. That’s why the average citizen has taken to the streets to protest their situation as the Government no longer hears their voices or takes them on.

Under the current circumstances we seem to be in a galloping dictatorship and this is a recipe for disaster. Our political system has potentially given us the worst leader in history who only cares about himself, his cohorts, ministers, his personal friends, family and his own sycophants.

(Neil Gosine is an insurance executive, the North East Regional Coordinator of the United National Congress and a former chairman of NP. The comments and opinions expressed by him in this column are not necessarily those of, a division of Complete Image Limited.)



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