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Commentary: Choosing Candidates for 2025 General Elections

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By Dr Neil Gosine

THE 2025 general elections are around the corner and the United National Congress (UNC) has shown it’s the viable alternative to the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM).

Under the leadership of Kamla Persad-Bissessar, the party has both the history and the track record that resonate with a diverse electorate. However, winning the next general election will require hard work, a well-planned campaign, a commitment to engage grassroots supporters, and the selection of the best possible candidates to represent the party. The UNC can position itself for victory by building credibility through choosing strong candidates.

The selection of candidates is perhaps the most critical factor in securing electoral victory at this time. The UNC must look at individuals who have worked in the communities they want to serve. Candidates should be empathetic, locally respected, and deeply rooted in their constituencies.

They should exhibit integrity and competence. Given that the public already had disingenuous MPs under the PNM, it’s no wonder the public would be sceptical of politicians. So the UNC must put forward candidates with proven track records in leadership, community service, business and professional excellence. They must appeal to diverse demographics. The UNC must extend its reach beyond traditional support bases by selecting candidates who appeal to younger voters, business/middle-class professionals, and marginalized seats.

Choosing strong candidates will give the party more credibility and energize voters who want representatives who are capable of addressing real issues.

Persad-Bissessar as leader has always articulated a clear and forward-thinking vision that differentiates the UNC from the PNM. The UNC has a better plan for economic recovery and job creation than the PNM which is crucial now.

The electorate is deeply concerned about inflation, unemployment, and the rising cost of living. The UNC has proposed actionable plans for economic stability and growth.

They have put forward a plan for good governance and anti-corruption. Focusing on transparency and accountability. The UNC Policies on education, healthcare, crime and infrastructure has already been framed to address the needs of all citizens, particularly disadvantaged communities.

The UNC has continued its Door-to-door campaigns engaging the voters. This would allow candidates to understand and address the concerns of their constituents.

Social media targeted programmes have already began to ensure that voters, young and old, can align themselves with their candidates and also help with the campaign.

The UNC has leveraged social media and must continue to share its vision, information, and encouraging the mobilisation of supporters. The party must keep up the action now as an early election may be called and there’s no time to let up. The continued organisation of town hall meetings addressing local issues, will demonstrate the party’s commitment to serving the people.

Unity is something everyone should strive for within the party and its essential for a coordinated and effective campaign. Kamla Persad-Bissessar must now look at resolving internal disputes, reduce conflicts and ensure that all members work towards a common goal. Encourage inclusion within the party to make it more stronger as a united front for the elections.

In my opinion, giving younger members more visibility will also send a strong message to the next generation of voters that the UNC has a place for you. 

The quality of candidates is critical for the UNC’s ability to govern effectively. In a time when Trinidad and Tobago faces numerous challenges, including economic uncertainty, high crime and social unrest, voters in my constituency are looking for leaders who can deliver on their promises, not just more rhetoric.

The 2025 general elections will determine the future of Trinidad and Tobago for years to come. For the UNC, they must emerge victorious, must be laser focus on unity, building credibility, empowering grassroots efforts, and selecting candidates who exemplify the party’s values.

Under Persad-Bissessar’s leadership, the UNC has a strong tradition as the party of progress, unification, and hope. This moment in time calls for a collective effort to ensure that the best possible representatives are chosen to lead the fight, and remove the blight of the PNM. 

Neil Gosine is an insurance executive, sometimes a temporary Opposition Senator, an ex-treasurer of the UNC and a former chairman of the National Petroleum Marketing Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NP). He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration, a Master’s in Business Administration MBA, BSC in Mathematics and a BA in Administrative Studies. The views and comments expressed in this column are not necessarily those of AZP News, a Division of Complete Image Limited


1 Comment

  1. Kuarlal Rampersad
    December 8, 2024

    Under the leadership of Kamla Persad-Bissessar, the party has both the history and the track record that resonate with a diverse electorate. However, winning the next general election will require hard work, a well-planned campaign, a commitment to engage grassroots supporters, and the selection of the best possible candidates to represent the party. The UNC can position itself for victory by building credibility through choosing strong candidates.

    And thereafter, if the UNC wins, they’ll renege on all what they said that they are going to do and abandon the grassroots.
    The UNC had the best candidates in 2010, they got 29 seats and lost two consecutive elections. What went wrong…..

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