AZP News

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" All the News you need from A to Z "

Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty of Sexual Assaults

  NEW YORK – FORMER Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has been found guilty of sexual assault.…

9 Killed in Shisha Bars in Germany

  NINE people are killed in attacks in two shisha bars in the city of Hanau…

No Visas for Low-Skilled Workers says UK

  LOW-SKILLED workers will not get visas under post-Brexit immigration plans which have been unveiled by…

Uganda’s Queen of Katwe Star Dies at 15

  AN actress who starred in the Queen of Katwe, a Disney film about a chess…

Coronavirus: North Korea Executes Man who Leaves Quarantine after Returning from China

  NORTH KOREA – An official of North Korea who returned from China and went into…

No Spike in Coronavirus Outside China says WHO

  NOVEL CORONAVIRUS cases are not rising dramatically outside China despite a spike in Hubei province,…

UK Chancellor Quits Amid Cabinet Reshuffle

  THE United Kingdom Chancellor Sajid Javid has resigned after Prime Minister Boris Johnson carries out…

Coronavirus: 300 Evacuated from Singapore Bank

  SINGAPORE – The largest bank in Singapore has evacuated 300 of its employees after one…

Queen’s Grandson To Get Divorce

THE Queen’s grandson Peter Phillips and his wife Autumn have announced that they are getting a…

South Korean Film Creates History at Oscars

  HISTORY was created at the Oscars on Sunday evening when Parasite, a non-English language film,…