AZP News

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" All the News you need from A to Z "

I’m Scared After I Had Covid

“I was scared I would lose my husband. I was scared my children would lose a…

AG Stops Time Until January 2022

WE’RE into the sixth month of the year, yet Covid-19 maintains its firm grip on our…

Commentary: Lift Travel Restrictions Partially

Recently AMCHAM Trinidad and Tobago, the T&T Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the T&T Manufacturers…

I Fought Covid, I won

“It sucks you dry, chews you up, and then spits what’s left of you out into…

Stop the Blame Game Prime Minister

  “Why must you go down this road for political mileage where it’s always blame the…

CJ Gives Litigants A Breather

  “Act in haste, repent at leisure” – Unknown A wide scale lockdown was imposed on…

Use SOE To Fight Crime Too

“The death rate from Covid-19 is indeed alarming but since the pandemic has started we have…

Different Approach Needed to Secure Covid-19 Vaccines

  EIGHTY million doses of AstraZeneca Covid-19  vaccines would be donated by the United States to…

New Knowledge of Covid-19 Gives Us Hope

TRINIDAD and Tobago (T&T) is currently on its worst leg of this pandemic. Daily new cases…

Government/Opposition Must Unite to Fight Pandemic

THERE has a been a lot of accusations from the Minister of Health that the Opposition…